Individual Coaching

Join me for one-on-one coaching where I work with women in their Second Act to face and move through the challenges of transition.

Perhaps you are retiring, a newly empty nester, divorced, widowed or looking to re-career?

Together we will move through the uncertainties and anxiety of change. On the other side, you’ll come out empowered, rejuvenated, clear, and excited for the Second Act of your life!


Click here and fill out the contact form. I’ll be in touch to schedule your complimentary consultation!

Please note: Coaching is available by phone or video globally. If you are in the Denver Metro area come see me in person!

Text reads "Feel differently, think differently, behave differently, so you can live differently,!" Quote from Sarah Senst, coach.
Image of orange and purple clouds against gray blue sky.

Are you a current client ready to buy a session? Click here.

What my clients have said…

Is anxiety getting the best of you?

You’re not alone.

Grab a copy of the free guide: 10 Tips to Tell Your Anxiety to Shhhh!